(Lines from William Golding lord of the flies page 7-11)

2. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light,
3. Coarse grass, torn everywhere, scattered,
4. Behind was The darkness of the forest proper,
5. Ralph stood,
6. The boy with fair hair, //_o\
7. As far as width and heaviness of shoulders went,
8. He turned, jumped and knelt down to the beach, 囧rz
9. Looking at the water with bright, excited eyes, (O_O)
10. Shrieked with laughter,
11. Forced at last, to believe in the reality of the island,
12. In a single moment,
13. Looking at the dazzling beach and the water, (@_@)
15. An expression of pain, (T ^ T)
16. To a point at infinity,
17. Ralph stood,
18. Again,
19. The boy with fair hair, //_o\
20. Behind was The darkness of the forest proper!
Loneliness, Danger
Ralph- braveness
Ocean- The end of escaping
Ralph's feeling first arrived the island
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